Financial Education Package

Produced by Scotland's Financial Schools/Young Enterprise Scotland

Minimum Age: 3
Maximum Age: 16

Scotland’s Financial Schools have created a Financial Education Package which covers all phases and various areas of the Curriculum for Excellence.


This package contains a variety of different resources which include:

  • Grab and Go lessons– (3-16) These are short, detailed lesson plans on a variety of topics such as Saving, Budgeting, Needs vs Wants via fun themes like ‘Dragon’s Den’ or planning a party.
  • My Money Talks Workshops– (16+) This contains 2 planned workshops which cover ‘Borrowing’ and ‘Making the Most of your Money’ to support school leavers with the essential financial skills for their future.
  • Interdisciplinary Learning Projects– (3-14) A selection of IDL project planners that range from early level to third level within Curriculum for Excellence. The planners will help to build teachers confidence and support them embedding Financial Education into their own practice.

Please Note: These resources are completely free to access but you will need to create an account with Scotland’s Financial Schools.