Policy Briefings

Keeping you informed about Young Enterprise's view on current developments that impact on financial education in schools, colleges and beyond.

Response to Education Select Committee on improving financial education in schools (November 2023)

At the end of 2023 the Education Select Committee launched an inquiry into the provision of financial education across England as well as exploring reasons why the subject is often overlooked and how well schools and teachers are supported to deliver it. The inquiry was broad and considered multiple areas of debate – including the inclusion of financial education in primary education, where it should sit in the curriculum and what content should be taught, amongst other areas. Young Enterprise submitted a written response to the inquiry and was delighted to be selected to give Oral evidence in January 2024. Our CEO, Sharon Davies, spoke on a panel alongside organisations such as MyBnk, GoHenry and Santander, focusing on the importance of supporting and equipping teachers to deliver financial education to their students at all ages. Read our response here. Watch the Oral session here.


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Response to HM Treasury’s consultation on the single financial guidance body (February 2017)

Following its earlier consultation on the public financial guidance review, HM Treasury consulted on its updated proposals to create a single financial guidance body, including a remit for the new body to coordinate and encourage financial education provision.Young Money (formerly pfeg) welcomed this proposal which we believe will help to further strengthen the sector. Read our response here.


Response to the House of Lords Financial Exclusion Committee’s inquiry into financial exclusion (September 2016)

A new House of Lords Committee has been examining financial exclusion and access to mainstream financial services. Pfeg/Young Enterprise provided oral evidence to the Committee in July 2016, and followed up with a written response setting out the importance of financial education for improving young people’s long term financial capability skills. Read our written response here.


Response to HM Treasury’s consultation on the public financial guidance review (June 2016)

Following the Budget Statement in March 2016, HM Treasury set out a number of proposals to reform public financial guidance, including introducing a new slimmed down money guidance body charged with ‘identifying gaps in the financial guidance market’. Read our response here.


Response to the consultation on the 2016-17 business plan for the Money Advice Service (February 2016)

The Money Advice Service asked for views on its draft business plan for 2016-17, which included key aims of proving ‘what works’ and building a shared evidence base about financial education. Read our response here.


Response to the Education Select Committee’s inquiry on the purpose and quality of education in England (January 2016)

The Education Select Committee conducted an inquiry into the purpose and quality of education in England, in which pfeg/Young Enterprise argued that there was a growing need for a thematic approach to education (including financial education) to be adopted in schools. Read our response here.


Response to Welsh Government’s consultation on refreshing the Financial Inclusion Strategy for Wales 2016 (January 2016)

The Welsh Government consulted on its proposals to refresh the Financial Inclusion Strategy for Wales, which set out its ambition to work with partner organisation – both in Wales and at a UK level – to build financial understanding and capability. Read our response here.


Response to HM Treasury’s consultation on public financial guidance (December 2015)

In October 2015, the government launched the public financial guidance consultation to seek views on how publicly funded pensions guidance, debt advice and money guidance (including financial capability) could best be structured to help consumers make effective financial decisions. Read our response here.


Response to the Department for Education’s call for evidence on teachers’ professional development standard (October 2015)

The Department for Education issued a call for evidence about what makes for effective professional development, ahead of the publication of a new standard for teachers’ professional development. Pfeg/Young Enterprise set out the importance of CPD initiatives for strengthening financial education in schools as part of its submission. Read our response here.