Financial Education Forum

The Financial Education Forum provides a platform for organisations and individuals with an interest in financial education policy and programmes.

Read the latest updates from our Forum Members

The Financial Education Forum is a cross sector network run by Young Money, which was set up in 2000 to provide a platform for organisations and individuals with an interest in financial education policy and programmes.

Forum Members meet twice a year in order to share good practice and the latest news and developments in financial education for children and young people.

Forum membership is free.

Join the Financial Education Forum

Save the date for our next Financial Education Forum meeting

Date: 11th October 2024

Time:  12:30pm-3:30pm

Where: Central London

Invitations, a sign up link and more information will be circulated in the coming weeks. To stay up to date with all our Forum events and news, sign up to the Forum using the link at the top of this page.

If you are not a Financial Education Forum member, you will need to become a member before you can attend the meeting. You can register as a member here: Forum Membership Registration

If you are an existing Financial Education Forum member, you should have received an email with details of the next Financial Education Forum meeting. If you did not receive this email, please contact us.

Financial Education Forum Meetings

Each year we provide opportunities for Forum Members to network and share updates on the work they are doing in the financial education space.

We hold two Forum Meetings every year, where we hear from a range of speakers about new programmes and policies affecting financial education. The programme for each meeting is varied and can range from education policy updates, to the latest research findings or information about new Quality Marked financial education resources. Throughout the year, we also give members the opportunity to provide updates on the work they are doing throughout the year, which can all be found on our member updates page.

Member organisations may be approached to host a Forum meeting where appropriate. Recent meetings have been hosted by the Bank of England, the London Institute of Banking and Finance and RBS NatWest.

Forum Hosting Information

Read about the latest developments in the All Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education for Young People.

Young Enterprise provides the Secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education for Young People. The APPG launched in January 2011 and has since grown to be one of the largest groups of its type within Parliament, with almost 200 members and a raft of supporting organisations.

The most recent APPG report explored the barriers facing schools in delivering financial education. Read the full report here. 

APPG on Financial Education for Young People

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