Centre for Financial Capability – June 2024

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The Centre for Financial Capability is a UK financial education charity which brings together key stakeholders across the primary financial education space to achieve shared aims and effect the change which is required to ensure every child and young person receives financial education, starting from primary school. The Centre is working to improve the quality and consistency of delivery in financial education, bringing organisations together and campaigning for greater investment in this important area.

Meeting the Economic Secretary to the Treasury

Stewart Perry, Director of the Centre for Financial Capability, and Carol Knight, a Trustee of the Centre and CEO of TISA, met with the Rt. Hon. Bim Afolami, Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister, to discuss a number of key aspects of financial education.

Hosting Parliamentary Roundtable on ‘The Future of Financial Literacy’

The Centre was delighted to host a parliamentary roundtable on ‘The Future of Financial Literacy’ in partnership with Baroness Sater, Vice-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Financial Education for Young People. It was excellent to hear from teachers leading on the delivery of financial education across the UK as they discussed the current barriers they face to teaching the subject in schools and the potential policy solutions to address these issues. We are grateful to Young Enterprise for inviting these teachers, as well as for their own attendance and input at the roundtable.

It was also fantastic to have a number of supportive parliamentarians in attendance, including Jerome Mayhew MP, Chair of the APPG on Financial Education for Young People, and Flick Drummond MP, member of the Education Select Committee, who provided an update on the Committee’s inquiry into financial education. We also appreciated the valuable contributions from representatives of teacher unions NASUWT and NAPE, as well as another key stakeholder, Quilter. We will be developing a paper on the polling conducted for the roundtable and the discussions which emerged as a result.

Innovation Fund Launched

Earlier this year, the Centre launched its Financial Literacy Innovation Fund, which is focused on finding and supporting new solutions that help enhance and/or expand financial education delivery for primary-aged children in the UK. We will begin to support projects in the near future.

Upcoming publication of our new policy paper on improving financial capability for the next generation

In advance of the general election, the Centre will imminently be launching a new policy paper entitled ‘Empowering the next generation through financial education’, which will propose five key policy priorities for the next Government on how to improve UK financial capability for the next generation. At the core of these proposals is the urgent call to incorporate financial education as a mandatory part of the primary school curriculum.

Looking to the future

The Centre will continue to promote the importance of all children and young people receiving financial education from primary school age, both in Parliament and across the media landscape. The Centre will remain a leading convener of stakeholders and policymakers in the financial education space, bringing people, organisations and ideas together for change. We will also continue to contribute to research on the importance of financial education and raise awareness of the need to expand primary-aged financial education. Lastly, we are currently developing a new Children’s Financial Capability Index (focused age 7-11 years old), which is set to be published in the autumn.

To find out more about the Centre you can visit our website.

Contact Centre for Financial Capability

General enquiries: 07708945993/ info@tcfc.org.uk

Press enquiries: 07881956580 / info@tcfc.org.uk

Membership enquiries: partnerships@tcfc.org.uk